On Mon, 8 Aug 2011, Douglas Otis wrote:
> The concept behind the TPA scheme was to enable services on behalf of
> senders that lack requisite staffing to support this level of policy
> effort when using open-ended third-party services.  The list of open

I don't see how that can work anytime soon for the use-case that concern
me, that of ordinary end-users at a consumer ISP posting to mailing lists.
I suppose you could implement a central whitelist of mailing lists, but
some mailing lists are easier to forge than others.  If a weak mailing
list gets on to the whitelist, then you have a policy just as easy to
bypass as except-mlist.  But if a mailing list *that people actually use*
can't get on the whitelist, you have false positive rejections.

> Why should white-listing mailing-lists or open third-party services
> become a burden for the recipient or their administrator?  Better

I'm not seeking to *impose* that burden as a sender, I'm looking for the
opprotunity to *accept* that burden as a recipient, so as to reduce my
incoming false negative rate.

Many recipients can't take up the burden, and thus cannot detect forgeries
of except-mlist domains.  But they lose nothing compared to the world
with just "unknown" and "discardable".  (I'm not counting "all" since it
is too vague...)

---- Michael Deutschmann <mich...@talamasca.ocis.net>
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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