On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Dave Crocker <dcroc...@bbiw.net> wrote:

> On 6/18/2013 7:18 AM, Tony Hansen wrote:
> > I always thought it would be a nice follow-on to DKIM to provide a way
> > for a site to specify how that site was using i=; that is, to provide
> > some clarity and comprehension for that value. For example, our
> > implementation placed the authenticated userid into i=. I know of one
> > site that appears to use a hash of the authenticated userid. John L says
> > his site uses "how the mail was injected (submit, webmail, whatever) and
> > who the user was if it knows". When there is a deterministic mechanism
> > used to create i=, and the mechanism is known, then it is possible for
> > additional logic to be added to the receiving side as well.

It would also have to be something trustable.  Otherwise, why should you
believe the party making such a statement?  A bad guy will put any value
there that increases the likelihood of making it to the inbox, whether it's
true or not.

> I'm sure Tony already knows this, but just to make sure it's part of the
> thread:
>       Anyone can define a value-added protocol layer on top of DKIM.  It
> can define all sorts of additional semantics.
>       It needs a method of declaring its presence, such as an extra
> header field or a special external query, but after that, it's free to
> define anything it wants, including a public meaning for i=

ATPS did exactly this.  It may be a poor example in that it has seen
approximately zero uptake due to lack of demand, but it does demonstrate
the mechanism Dave's describing here.

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