On Monday, November 14, 2016 05:34:19 PM Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Scott Kitterman <ietf-d...@kitterman.com>
> wrote:
> > >Doesn't that presuppose point-to-point handling?  The proposal here
> > >doesn't.
> > 
> > Your proposal breaks all non-point-to-point handling, if I understand it
> > correctly, so whether you make DKIM signatures non-forwardable or do it in
> > DMARC policy, it's the same end result.
> How does it break all non-point-to-point handling?  It does break if the
> envelope has to change, but that's not what I think of when you say
> "point-to-point"; it makes me think of mail from A to C that happens to
> transit B, which should survive just fine.

Within an ADMD, internal relaying should survive just fine, since, as you say, 
RCP TO doesn't change, but I don't think that's an interesting case.  Email 
authentication check tend to be very fragile if not done at the edge of the 
ADMD for lots of reasons.

What I was thinking of was non-point-to-point handling while between two 
ADMDs.  Typically mailing lists or transparent forwarding.  In both of those 
cases, RCPT TO changes.  One set of advice given to mailing list operators 
about DMARC has been to change their list setup so that they don't break DKIM 
signatures (and some have done that).  This proposal would make that 

Between two ADMDs, you would not be able to change RCPT TO, so it would have 
to go direct.  At that point, if you engage DMARC alignment requirements on 
the SPF check, you achieve the same result.

Also, if you make this a DMARC policy choice, then the added restrictions 
associated with restricting changes to RCPT TO only affect senders that have 
opted into the policy choice.

> > I think your pushing a substantial change to DKIM and to the extent this
> > is a reasonable problem to solve, DKIM isn't the right layer in the email
> > authentication stack to do it.
> Ah, yes, that's a plausible argument.
> > I think the solution to "I have a problem that results when I sign spam"
> > is "don't do that", not the entire community turns on its head to work
> > around someone's local configuration problems.
> Yes, I agree that's the preferable solution.  It sounds as if there are
> some operators (well, at least one, I think) that are having a problem for
> which "don't do that" is an expensive solution, and a question has been
> posed about the possible existence of an easy, incremental protocol
> solution for it.  It's fine if the answer is "no", but I'd like to have the
> discussion without prematurely slamming any doors.

OK.  Ultimately, "don't sign spam" has got to be the solution or reputation is 
going to suffer, so I think they are going to have to eventually bite the 
bullet and fix it.  I don't think an opt-in extension to DMARC like I suggest 
above is unreasonable and I think it would be able to be deployed more 
quickly.  So far though, I don't see fixing it in DKIM as a good way to go.

Scott K
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