On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 12:01:03 PDT, Brian Lloyd said:
> threshing process.  I see entirely too little threshing going on in the 
> IETF these days.  I think we worry to much that people will get their 
> little feelers hurt.

Send them my way.  I'm renowned for my ability to tell almost anybody,
in excruciating detail, exactly why their idea is dumber than a box
of rocks. ;)

> So let 'em build their protocol, whatever it is, and bring it to the 
> IETF.  The problems with a really bad protocol can be extremely educational 
> and entertaining.  The elegance of a really good protocol can be extremely 
> educational and entertaining.  I don't see how we can lose.

Actually, a Really Bad Protocol is usually dreadfully excruciatingly
painful, unless somebody performs an MST on it.  For those not
familiar with it, see http://www.scifi.com/mst3000/ for the TV show,
or http://brie.bmsc.washington.edu/people/merritt/books/Eye_of_Argon.html
for an example of the concept.

Now, maybe if we had more protocol reviews like that... ;)


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