Hi All,
if there is still somebody reading email to this list, I would be interested
if they see any value in being a part of this list. 95% of email to this list
are virus infected, and therefore deleted automatically by my mailserver, and I'm
tired of filtering all the virus messages to the trash. Normally the listserver
should just delete such messages without any information to the list itself. Because
the listserver doesn't do that (which I think should be a standard behaviour of
every listserver) I just unsubscribed from this rubbish.
PS: My opinion about the default behaviour of every well administered listserver is:
.) Delete silently and don't forward ANY message with a virus attachment.
.) Delete silently and don't forward ANY message with the uppercased string
"[spam" in the subject.
At 11:47 30/07/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Incident Information:-
>Originator: "Manh Chau Nguyen"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: dem-rep-sal
>WARNING: The file dem-rep-sal.doc.com you received was infected with the
>W32/SirCam@MM virus. The file attachment is not delivered.