
My Rp. 100 (=$0.02) contribution to this coming Octoberfest would 
be a rough IETF Trivia list. Updates will be posted at


Please feel free to send me corrections. For example, I guess
that Debra J. Legare and Debra J. Bates from the IETF secretariat
would be the same person. Also, it is not clear if it was
ARPA or DARPA that set up the ICCB in 1979 or 1980.


A list of my favorite RFCs are available at



- Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim VLSM-TJT --  http://www.vlsm.org/rms46/ -
- A little bit of IP in my life - RFC791:Standard no 5 - Lou Bega -

DUL-001:  IETF Trivia revision 1999-Oct-08-2                           ;;;;;;;
          All Rights Reversed, All Wrongs will be Reengineered         ;;;;;;;
          Provided AS-IS! Liability? What is liability?                ;;;;;;;
Compiler: Abdul Latip Sosroatmodjo Kertokusumo (dullatip)              ;;;;;;;
          Omar Bakry School of Management                              ;;;;;;;
          Universe Centra Le Sahara (UCLS)                             ;;;;;;;
          Jabal Acacus (Silicon Valley), Ghat, Sahara.                 ;;;;;;;
URL:      http://dullatip.vlsm.org/ietf.txt                            ;;;;;;;
COMMENTS: please mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           ;;;;;;;

IAB history (from the IMR)

     The IAB is descended from an Internet research advisory group set
     up about 1980 by DARPA, with the unlikely name of Internet
     Configuration Control Board, or ICCB.  The ICCB chair was Dave
     Clark of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science; he had played a
     leading role in the protocol research effort which developed the
     TCP/IP protocols.  Around 1983, DARPA restructured the ICCB into a
     task-force-based Internet Activities Board, or IAB.  Dave Clark
     continued as chair of the new IAB, and he held this post until Vint
     Cerf accepted this responsibility in July, 1989.

     memo: ARPA or DARPA ?
           1979 or 1980 ?

    1979 - 1983 ICCB: Internet Configuration Control Board
                Dave Clark - MIT
    1983 - 1992 IAB: Internet Activities Board formed by DARPA
                Dave Clark - MIT       (    1983 - Jul 1989)
                Vint Cerf  - CNRI      (Jul 1989 - Jan 1992)
    1992 -      IAB: Internet Architecture Board
                Lyman Chapin           (Jan 1992 - Apr 1993)
                Christian Huitema      (Apr 1993 - Jul 1995)
                Brian Carpenter        (Jul 1995 - )
                memo: RARE, EDUCOM, and CNRI "chartered" the ISOC, however,
                      ISOC was the old IAB's brainchild. Then the
                      new IAB was chartered by the ISOC, but was somewhat
                      blessed by FNC (NFS, DARPA, et. al.). See also ISOC.

Liaisons to IESG
    Lyman Chapin       1992 - 1993
    Christian Huitema  1993 - 1995
    Yakov Rekhter      1993 - 1996
    Brian Carpenter    1995 -
    Robert Elz         1996 - 1998
    Ned Freed          1998 - 1999

Liaison to the POC (gTLD-MoU)
    Patrik Falstrom    1997 ++3 ?
    Rob Austein        1997 ++1 ?
    Lars-Johan Liman   1998?
    Pindar Wong        1998?

Executive Director
    Bob Braden         1990 - 1993
    Abel Weinrib       1995 - 1999

International Representative (CCIRN/RARE/ICB)
    Barry Leiner       1990 - 1993

                                          89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Jay Allard                 Microsoft                         X  X
Harald T. Alvestrand       Uninett, Maxware                              X
Ran Atkinson                                                             X
Rob Austein                                                              X
Steve Bellovin                                                  X  X  X  X
Bob Braden                 ISI, ExecD     81  X  X  X  X
Hans-Werner Braun          Merit, SDSC     X  X  X  X  X
Brian Carpenter            CERN IBM                       X  X  X  X  X  X
Vint Cerf                  NRI, CNRI      79  X  X  X  X
Lyman Chapin               DG, BBN        87  X  X  X  X
Dave Clark                 MIT            79  X  X  X
Steve Crocker              TIS                            X  X  X
Jon Crowcroft                                                   X  X  X  X
Steve Deering                                                         X  X
Robert Elz                                                X  X  X
Ned Freed                  Innosoft                                   X  X
Elise Gerich               Merit                       X  X  X  X
Phill Gross             NRI, CNRI, ANS, IESG  X  X  X  X  X  X  X
Tony Hain                                                             X  X
Tim Howes                                                             X  X
Christian Huitema          INRIA                 X  X  X  X  X  X
Erik Huizer                SURFnet                           X  X  X  X
Geoff Huston                                                             X
Cindi Jung                                                            X
Steve Kent                 BBN                X  X  X  X
                                          89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
John Klensin               MCI                                  X  X  X  X
Tony Lauck                 DEC                X  X  X  X
Barry Leiner               RIACS, ADS, USRA   X  X  X  X
Dan Lynch                  Interop            X  X  X  X
Paul Mockapetris           IESG                           X  X  X
Robert Moskowitz           Chrysler                          X  X  X  X
Jun Murai                  WIDE                        X  X  X
Charlie Perkins            Sun                                        X
Radia Perlman                                                   X
Jon Postel            ISI, RFC-Ed, IANA, IRTF X  X  X  X  X  X  X
Yakov Rekhter              IBM Research                X  X  X  X
John Romkey                ELF                         X  X  X
Dave Sincoskie             Bellcore                    X  X  X
Mike StJohns               ARPA                        X  X  X
Chris Weider               Bunyip                            X  X
Lixia Zhang                                               X  X  X
                                          89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Jan 9, 1996: Robert Moskowitz participated the IAB's Teleconference
             from a plan (flight number ?).


Meetings       http://www.ietf.org/meetings/past.meetings.html
Proceedings    http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/directory.html


                        87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00
Philip Almquist         mgt---          int------
Harald T. Alvestrand                                    app---------ops--
  Uninett  Maxware
Fred Baker                                                  chair-------------
  Cisco                                                     gen---------------
Dave Borman                             tsv--
 Cray Research
Scott Bradner                                   ops----------   tsv-----------
  Harvard                                         ipng-----------
Jeffrey Burgan                                              int----------
  Baynetworks @Home
Randy Bush                                                              ops---
Ross Callo                          osi------
                        87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00
A. Lyman Chapin                                 std------
Noel Chiappa                        int---------
Mike Corrigan           chair----

Rob Coltun                                                          rtg------
  Fore Systems
Dave Crocker                        mgt-std-----sap------
Steve Crocker                       sec----------
John Curren                                                     ops--
Chuck Davin                                 nma---
                        87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00
James Davin?                        nma------
Susan Estrada                           ?
Patrik Faltstrom                                                    app-------
Phill Gross                     chair----------------
  NRI, CNRI, ANS                    ops--------------
Rob Hagens                          osi--
  U Wisc
Joel Halpern                                        rtg--------------
  Network Sys. Newbridge Net.
Robert Hinden                       rtg----------
Russ Hobby                          app----------
                        87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00
Erik Huizer                                 app---------
Brewster Kahle                                  app--
Frank Kastenholz                                        int------
  FTP Software
John Klensin                                    app-----------
Stev Knowles                                int--------------
  FTP Software
Deirdre C. Kostick                                      mgt-----ops--
  Bellcore AT&T Bell Labs
Marcus Leech                                                        sec-------
Allison Mankin                                  tsv----------
  NRL Locus IS                                      ipng---------
                        87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00
April Marine                                                        usv-------
  Sterling Software  Raytheon STX  Internet Engines
Paul Mockapetris                                    chair----
Keith Moore                                                 app---------------
  U of Tennessee
Thomas Narten                                                   int-----------
Erik Nordmark                                                           int---
Mike O'Dell                                         ops--------------
Dave Oran                                                               rtg---
Craig Partridge                     usv----
                        87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00
Vern Paxson                                                         tsv-------
  Lawrence Berkeley Lab.  ACIRI/ICSI
Dave Piscetello                         osi-int---
  Bellcore Core Comp.
Joyce K. Reynolds                   usv-----------------------
Marshall T. Rose                                mgt------
  Consultant DBC
Allyn Romanow                                                   tsv--
Jeff Schiller                                       sec-----------------------
Bernard Stockman                        ops----------
Susan Thomson                                           int--
                        87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00
Claudio Topolcic                                    int--
Bert Wijnen                                                         ops-------
                        87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00

chair    IETF/IESG chair
app      Applications
gen      General --> chair
int      Internet
ipng     IPng --> tsv
mgt      Network Management --> ops
ops      Operations and Management (Operational Requirement)
osi??    OSI Integration
rtg      Routing
sap      Service Applications
sec      Security
std      Standards (Management) (and Procedures)
tsv      Transport (and Services)
usv      (Host and) User Services

Liaison to IAB            IESG/IETF Chair
                          Bob Hinden                     (1993)
                          John Klensin                   (1994)
                          Allison Mankin                 (1996)
                          Keith Moore                    (1997)

Liaison to ISO/SC6/JTC1 (Lower layers of OSI)
                          Sue Thomson                    (1995)
                          Allison Mankin                 (1995)
                          counterpart: J. Houldsworth

Liaison to SC18 (directories and mail)
                          John Klensin                   (1995)
                          counterpart: Tom Frost

Liaison to SC21 (applications layer)
                          Harald T. Alvestrand           (1995)
                          counterpart: Bartoli Lloyd

Liaison to SC29
                          AVT + MMUSIC                   (1995)
                          counterpart: Tom Casey

Liaison to ATM Forum
                          Joel Halpern                   (1994)
                          counterpart: Drew Perkins

Liaison to ITU-T
                          Scott O. Bradner               (1995)

??                        Robert Hagens           U-WISC (1990)
                          Joyce Reynolds             ISI (1990)
                          Gregory Vaudreuil         CNRI (1990)
                          Taylor Piscitello   Pisc.Prod. (1993)

IETF Secretariat
     CNRI -- NFS Grant No. NCR-8820945.    (1992-1994) (since 1988?)
             NFS Grant No. NCR-9528103.    (1995-1997) --$100k/year
IETF Executive Director   Steve Coya       (1991-1999-)
IESG Secretary            Greg Vaudreuil   (1991-1993)
                          John Stewart     (1993-1994)
IETF Coordination         Megan Davies     (1992)
IETF Meeting Coordinator  Marcia Beaulieu  (1997-1999-)
IETF Proceedings Coord.   Dixie Walker     (1997)
                          Eric Tang        (1998-1999-)
IETF Meeting Registrar    Julie Kirchhoff  (1997-1999-)
IETF Internet-Drafts Crd. Cynthia Clark    (1997-1998)
Administrative Support    Debra J. Legare  (1992-1995)
                          Debra J. Bates   (1995)
                          Cynthia R. Clark (1992-1996)
                          Gehrett W. Ellis (1995-1996)

memo: whois -fini- -joe- ?


1990 (Feb, FSU) discussed at the open plenary
     (Dec, Boulder) new policy would start with the St. Louis meeting.
1991  US$ 125
1993  US$ 200
1995  US$ 200-300
1996  US$ 250
1997               --US$ 100 for full time students and early birds
1998  US$ 425

1994 ISOC          $100k
1995 ISOC          $125k
1996 ISOC          $250k?


1997  Dvorak PC Telecommunications Excellence Award (IETF)
1998  Norbert Wiener Award (IETF)
1998  International Telecommunications Union Silver Medal (Jon Postel)

  Dave Clark           1983 - March 1992
  Jon Postel     March 1992 - 1995 - 199X
                1994 - 1995 IRTF-RD Mike Schwartz  Harvest Projectr
  Abel Weinrib         199X - 1999
                1997 Research Chairs:
                       Bob Braden, Susan Hares, Steve Kent, Clifford Lynch
                       Allison Mankin, Cecilia Preston, Karen Sollins.
  Erik Huizer          1999 -

  Deborah Estrin       1992
  Michael Schwartz     1992

  Jon Postel           1970-1998

  Jon Postel           1972-1998   (RFC-349)

IANA liaison to the POC (gTLD-MoU)
  Glenn Kowack         (1997)
  Willie Black         (1997)


1992 - 1993: Jeff Case              Erik Huizer (IESG liaison)
1993 - 1994: Fred Baker
1994 - 1995: John Curran            (30/10) volunteers: Marshall Rose,
                                    Fred Baker, Tony Genovese, Paul Traina,
                                    Roxana Bradescu, Greg Ruth, Peter S. Ford,
                                    Michael Mealling, Steven Waldbusser,
                                    Charlie Perkins.
1995 - 1996: Guy Almes              Harald T. Alvestrand (IESG liaison)
                                    Bob Moskowitz (IAB liaison)
1996 - 1997: Geoff Houston          Joyce K. Reynolds (IESG liaison)
                                    Radia Perlman     (IAB liaison)
                                    Christian Huitema (ISOC liaison)
                                    Guy Almes, Jim Bound, Matt Crawford,
                                    Phill Gross, Bob Hinden, Dorian Kim,
                                    Bill Manning, Marshall Rose, Mike StJohns,
                                    Glen Zorn.
1997 - 1998: Mike St. Johns
1998 - 1999: Donald Eastlake        Steve Bellovin (IAB liaison)
1999 - 2000: Avri Doria (Nokia)



Internet Society Officers, 1999 to 2000:

               750 (Jan 1992)
              6000 (1998)
              8600 (Oct 1999)

               170 (Oct 1999)

Founding Organizations:
              RARE, EDUCOM, and CNRI.

Annual Revenue:
             US$ 1.000.000 (1995)

Liaison to the IAB:
             President (1996)


Scientific Requirements Task Force
                          Disbanded in 1990 by the IAB.

Network Working Group     Steve Crocker  (member since 1969)
                          Jon Postel     (member since 1969)
                          Vint Cerf      (member since 1969)
                          Bob Braden     (member since 1970)

TCP/IP Working Group      Noel Chiappa   (member since 1977)

The Net

NSFnet:   Number networks linked -- 897 networks (1989), 4,775 (1992).
NEARnet:  138 members (1992), 188 (Jan 1993), 225 (Jun 1993).
CIX-West: 550 networks (1992), 1140 (Oct 1992).
          Members: AlterNet, CERFNet, PSINet, SprintLink, The Nordic Carries
          (via Alternet). EUNET (the pan-European open systems computer
          network, via Alternet), PIPEX (via Alternet).

Standard Number 5 (RFC-791; with apology to Lou Bega)

One, two, three, four, five
Everybody in the net, so come on
Let's surf to the web-store around the cyber
The boys say they want some X and chat
But I really don't wanna crash
Like I had last week
I must stay lease
Because OC-192 is cheap

I like ISOC, IAB, IANA, and IETF
And for ICANN I don't know
They are getting sweeter
So what can I do I really beg and you keyboard
To me email-ing it's just like sport, anything reply
It's all good let core dump it
Please set in winsock trumpet

A little bit of IP in my life
A little bit of TCP by my side
A little bit of MIB is all I need
A little bit of SMTP is what I see
A little bit of NFS in the SUN
A little bit of HTTP all night long
A little bit of BIND here I am
A little bit of WHO makes me your man

And jump and down go and surf it all around
Shake your web to the sound
Put your hand on the mouse
Take one step left
And one step right
One to the front and one to the side
Click your mouse once
And clap your hands twice
And if it looks like this
Then you are doing internet right

- IAB minutes   1990-1999
- IESG minutes  1991-1999
- IMR           1991-1999
- ISOC FORUM    1995-1999
- Mailing Lists
- Personal Communications

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