Robert Moskowitz wrote:

>>Jan 9, 1996: Robert Moskowitz participated the IAB's Teleconference
>>              from a plan (flight number ?). 
> Ho boy, my 15 in of fame!

FYI, an update of the list is available at


Most parts are *still* in English. But that is subject to change.

Yet other underconstruction WG lists are available at
   (RFC list)
     (WG chair list)

of these following WGs:

Applications (app)
  acap, calsh, cnrp, conneg, dasl, deltav, drums, ediint,
  fax, ftpext, http, impp, ipp, ldapext, ldup, lsma,
  madman, msgtrk, nntpext, printmib, schema, tn3270e,
  trade, urlreg, urn, usefor, webdav, wrec.
  edi*, imap*, notary*, osids*, telnet*, x400ops*.

General (gen)
  poised*, poised95*.

Internet (int)
  atommib, dhc, dnsind, frnetmib, ifmib, ion, ip1394, ipcdn,
  ipfc, ipngwg, ipvbi, l2tpext, pppext, svrloc, zeroconf.
  atm*, iplpdn*, st2*.

IP Next Generation (ipng) --> int
  catnip*, pip*, sip*, sipp*, tpix*, tuba*.

Network Management (mgt) --> ops
  charmib*, decnetiv*, fddimib*, hostmib*, modemmgt*, snanau*
  snmpv2*, trmon*, trunkmib*, upsmib*, x25mib*.

Operations and Management (ops)
  2000, aaa, adslmib, agentx, bmwg, bridge, disman, dnsop, entmib, grip,
  hubmib, mboned, nasreq, ngtrans, policy, ptopomib, radius, rmonmib,
  roamops, rps, snmpv3, tewg.
  bgpdepl*, gisd*, njm*, noop*.

Routing (rtg)
  bgmp, dlswmib, gsmp, idmr, idr, isis, manet, mobileip,
  mospf, mpls, msdp, ospf, pim, rip, snadlc, udlr, vrrp.
  bgp*, idpr*, ipidrp*, mobileip*, ripv2*, rolc*, sdr*.

Service Applications (sap) --> int
  dns*, thinosi*.

Security (sec)
  aft, cat, openpgp, dnssec, idwg, ipsec, otp, pkix, secsh,
  smime, spki, stime, tls, wts, xmldsig.
  aac*, saag*, pem*.

Transport (tsv)
  avt, diffserv, ecm,  enum, intserv, ippm, iptel, issll,
  malloc, megaco, mmusic, nat, nfsv4, oncrpc, pint, pilc,
  rap, rmt, rsvp, rtfm, sigtran, sip, spirits, tcpimpl,
  tcpsat, tsvwg.

User Services Area (usv)
  fyiup, run, uswg, weird.
  822ext*, iafa*, ids*, iiir*, isn*, mimecont*, mimemhs*, nir*, nisi*,
  nntp*, trainmat*, uri*, userdoc2*, wnils*.


- Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim VLSM-TJT -- -
- 3705, 3720, 3725, 3745, 2216, 12000 GSR: I survived SNA (m/tic) -

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