At 03:58 PM 1/4/00 -0800, Rick H Wesson wrote:
>In short you are suggesting that the I-D be published to document a
>bad but current practice?

A review of the Informational RFCs issued in the past few years would 
reveal a few RFCs that match that description quite well.

>  It seems counter-intutative but I am certainly
>not "in the know" as to how these things work.

It is a bit counter-intuitive until you look at the alternative. There 
isn't a good, central, free, open repository for these things other than 
RFCs. This isn't to say that every protocol should go there. I would say 
that only "important" (either due to politics or the number of 
implementations using the protocol) protocols should qualify.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

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