At 04:29 PM 1/4/2000 , David R. Conrad wrote:
> > I hate to add a "me too" but I must. I believe that the RAB minutes would
> > be very useful if they were published.
>Has any other organization interested in publishing an informational RFC
>needed to also publish the internal discussions that led to the implementation
>of their proprietary protocol?


Informational RFCs for proprietary protocols have been published many 
times.  The IETF portion of the process to publish such documents is simply 
to ensure that we avoid confusion with IETF work.  That is amply obtained 
through the suggested title change.

The topic really does not warrant nearly as much discussion as it is getting.


Dave Crocker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brandenburg Consulting  <>
Tel: +1.408.246.8253,  Fax: +1.408.273.6464
675 Spruce Drive,  Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA 

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