Austin Schutz wrote:

>         It wouuld be possible to have all the mailing lists redistributed
> using some babelfish-like mechanism for translation, though obviously that
> wouldn't cover all languages and wouldn't do any well. Maybe better than
> nothing.

Probably worse than nothing, unless there are much better translators than
babelfish out there.  WG discussions get down to really niggly points; a
translator that doesn't work *perfectly* is likely to make things worse.  At
least today, if we're talking through a language barrier, there's a human
brain doing the translation, able to recognize problems and rephrase as

|John Stracke    | |My opinions are my own.|
|Chief Scientist |=============================================|
|eCal Corp.      |Never mind the GUIs--Unix won't be for the   |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|masses until we fix backspace & delete.      |

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