On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, David A. Higginbotham wrote:

> I can not disagree, however, where does the responsibility to ensure liberty
> lay, and what is required to ensure said liberty? specifically, what may be
> suggested that one do, assuming bearing arms is inappropriate, to ensure
> email privacy in particular and 'internet' liberty in general?

If you cannot fight back against oppression, you have already lost.  I
believe that the Jewish people in Europe learned that lesson in a rather
painful manner some time back.  Of course, *our* government would *never*
try to abridge our rights in the name of The Greater Good.  The corolary
would be that the government always has our (collective) best interests at
heart and therefore fighting back is never appropriate.  

Personally, I satisfy my desire for privacy by using strong encryption
wherever possible.  I sure hope I am not hurting any feelings at the FBI.

This is a subject of great interest but probably not relevant to the
purpose of this specific group.

Brian Lloyd

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