yo udont know about RIP then

if you visit the UK, and are asked to show any files on your computer,
you cannot claim you "cannot remember the key"

that wil lbe deemed evidence that you are witholding evidence and yo
ucan go to jail jus for that.,. i.e. our new crypto-fascist law takes
away the right to the presumption of innocence  ratehr than guilt....

its like escrow only worse.

the technology is irrelevant in the face of such blatant misuse of
human rights.

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt
.edu typed:

 >>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 >>On Mon, 17 Jul 2000 11:37:47 PDT, Brian Lloyd said:
 >>> Personally, I satisfy my desire for privacy by using strong encryption
 >>> wherever possible.  I sure hope I am not hurting any feelings at the FBI.
 >>From the Sendmail 8.11 Release notes:
 >>        Support SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP (RFC 2487) (STARTTLS).
 >>                Implementation influenced by the example programs of
 >>                OpenSSL and the work of Lutz Jaenicke of TU Cottbus.
 >>        Support the security layer in SMTP AUTH for mechanisms which
 >>                support encryption.  Based on code contributed by Tim
 >>                Martin of CMU.
 >>I'm sure that the guys who run Echelon will be overjoyed when this
 >>ships (Real Soon Now ;)
 >>They'll be even more overjoyed if a lot of sites start using it...
 >>                             Valdis Kletnieks
 >>                             Operating Systems Analyst
 >>                             Virginia Tech
 >>Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
 >>Version: PGP 6.5.2
 >>Comment: Exmh version 2.2 06/16/2000
 >>-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----



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