At 02:43 PM 12/7/00 +0100, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
>Not a valid comparison.  Do we have a worldwide, global phonebook that lists
>every telephone number on the planet?

yes. we call it "411". If the operator doesn't have the information, s/he 
redirects you to someone who does.

>Do we have telephones with
>keyboards into which you type a name instead of a number?

Yes. we enter them manually, which is a pain, but I have ten such buttons 
on my phone, and my cell phone has space for about 30.

>And yet we get by very well without them.

that's not obvious either. If I want to call you, I have to track down your 
phone number. I can't just call the operator and say "connect me to Anthony 
Atkielski". But I can find your email address pretty quickly with a web 
browser, and isn't too hard to come by.

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