each recipient chooses mailserver to subscribe whose sig
you trust ....i.e. a distributed, heteroegenous system.

for exampl,e i dont really care about windows viruses in my mail since
i read mail on a unix system, so i would subscribe to a listserver
that signed windows executables and visual basic attacments as

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Keith Moore typed:

 >>> second, if someone must send an executable attachment , then we have a
 >>> signing server that signs the attachment as trustworthy
 >>and how, and using what criteria, would the signing server evaluate 
 >>the trustworthiness of the attachment?
 >>e.g. I might consider an attachment that installed NetBSD on top
 >>of an existing Windows system to be absolutely trustworthy 
 >>(so long as it did it's job well) and performing a valuable community 
 >>service, but others might not agree...  
 >>(they might insist that Linux be installed instead.)



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