> From: Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    > If this group takes the attitude that NATs are inherently broken and
    > that there's really no way to fix them in the long term without phasing
    > out the NAT part, it's much more likely to produce something useful
    > than if it tries to find a way to incorporate NATs into the mainstream
    > architecture of the Internet. 

Keith, why don't you start an NAT-Haters mailing list, and take all this
disgust with NAT's there? (I'm quite serious about this.)

You seem to be having problems accepting that fact that NAT's are selling
several orders of magnitudes (I'd guess at least 3, but it's probably more)
more units than your preferred alternative. Most people would regard this as
a sign that the world has decided, and move on.

When life gives you lemons, you have to make lemonade. NAT's are a fact of
life, and we will, indeed, have to find some way of incorporating them into
the mainstream architecture of the Internet. This is a subject on which I have
pondered a lot, for several years - maybe you should wrestle with it too.


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