Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:
> taking the undefined from the tangential to the irrelevant:
> http://www.pancanal.com/eng/photo/jersey-animation.html
> Perhaps the USS New Jersey isn't "modern".....actually, I think a
> lot of stuff  is designed to "panamax"....

Being able to use our warships in either ocean as needed used to be a
major consideration, since it allowed us to build fewer of these
expensive ships than we would otherwise need.  Back when the Iowa class
ships were built, this was a design _requirement_.  The limiting locks
are 110' wide, and the Iowas are 108' wide.

Nowadays, the US Navy has had to give this ability up, as the carriers
had to keep growing to deal with the growth in combat aircraft.  None of
the US Navy's "modern aircraft carriers" can use the Panama Canal.  They
can use the Suez, though, since that is a fully sea-level ditch with no

This is even more irrelevant than expected though, as 1940s battleships
are neither "modern" nor "aircraft carriers".

: Unable to locate coffee.  Operator halted.

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