
Well, it was yet another burst of suggestions.
But, what was the problem? And, whose problem?

Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:

>> When you are the maintainer of a list
> That assumes that someone is the maintainer of the IETF mailing list.
> At this moment, that is not the case. You are asking that an
> additional  task be put on one of the IETF Secretariat folks. That's
> a reasonable request (and one that I would second), but it is not
> based in current reality.

Well, then it is about time that a system/ organization with an 
annual turnaround of millions of dollars has (a) mailing list
maintainer(s). But, to whom do the IETFS folks reporting anyway?
To the IESG? CNRI? IAB? ISOC? Or, directly to the goddess of
confusion herself?

Robert Elz wrote:
> A supposed technological fix to a non-technological problem that just
> made things worse, not better.

Why? I agree with what ned.freed wrote:
> In general, I agree with this assessment. But that doesn't mean that 
> some point fixes don't help in some cases.

Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT - http://rms46.vlsm.org
Tarlumobi di hamu Raja ni Hula-Hula dohot Tulang nami,bah!

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