Last week I published an I-D, draft-main-sane-tld-00, which argued that
there is a need in various Internet protocols for easily-available
persistent[1] names within the DNS domain name space.  I queried in
dnsop, which seemed the most relevant WG, concerning what would be the
appropriate place to discuss it.  The only consensus reached seems to
be that dnsop is not the right place, so I'm throwing this open to a
wider audience.

The debate in dnsop actually centred on whether this is an IETF matter
at all, rather than on which WG it is relevant to.  Some said that it's
not a technical problem -- it's true that it's not a technical problem
in the DNS protocol, it's a problem for other protocols.  There were
varying opinions on the extent to which ICANN is, or should be, involved.

So I'd like opinions from the wider IETF membership: is the problem my
I-D describes something that the IETF should be concerned about?  Is it
something that can be usefully discussed within the IETF?  And if so,
what is the proper forum?

I'm looking for discussion of the problem more than the solution at this
stage; my I-D does outline a couple of possible solutions, but considering
the issues that have arisen already in respect of the problem statement,
solution finding will have to wait a bit.


[1] Persistent in the way that MIME types such as image/vnd.xiff are

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