
At 02:36 PM 11/30/2001 -0500, J. Noel Chiappa wrote:
>>**  > Most, if not all, of the same people who are refused IPv4 address
>>**  > allocations will (or should if we expect not to re-create the swamp) be
>>**  > refused allocations of IPv6 addresses.
>Holy smoke! That's really major.

Huh?  This really shouldn't (at this late date) be a surprise to 
anyone.  RIRs allocate TLAs (or sub-TLAs) to "TLA Registries".  TLAs are 
the only prefixes that are supposed to be in the "default free zone" 
routing tables.  Ergo...

>I hadn't realized the registries
>were trying to guard against routing table bloat as well as address space
>exhaustion. I'm curious, when did this start, and how was it decided?

Ever since the RIRs existed?  See goal number 2 of section 1 of or section 2.2.2 of  As to how it was decided, my 
guess would be "by default".


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