It has been a couple years since the Nominating Committee RFC has been
updated.  The current version is RFC 2727 or BCP 10, depending on your
favorite designation.

I have just submitted a draft revision to internet-drafts.  I expect the
announcement will be forthcoming in the next few days.

The plan is not to create a formal working group, per se, for the
document.  Instead a mailing list has been created to review and prepare
the document for publication.  This list will be used to discuss a few
additional issues that have not yet been incorporated into the proposed

If you are interesting in the "IAB and IESG Selection Process", also
known as the 'Operation of the Nominating Committee", please do join the
mailing list and participate in its review.  You may wish to do that now
in anticipation of the draft's announcement.

The mailing list for the discussion of this draft is:


To join the list send a message with the single word "subscribe" in the
body to:


The draft as submitted incorporates a half dozen changes I judged to be
clarifications or suggestions consistent with the intent of the process
and procedures.  These changes are indicated in a section entitled
"Changes from RFC2727" in the document.  I have included the text of
that section below for your review.  Of course these changes can be
further clarified or removed after community review.

In addition, the mailing list will be used to discuss the following
suggestions that have been proposed but not yet incorporated:

    should there be a liaison from ISOC

    how do we handle disputes regarding the selection nominating
    committee members

    should NOMCOM announcements be sent to all IETF mailing lists or
    just the IETF general and announcements lists as it is done now

    there are a number of clarifications to the as yet unexercised
    recall process that have been proposed for consideration

Here are the changes currently incorporated:

   1.  A definition for "sitting member" was added.

   2.  An information retention policy was added requiring the Chair to
       submit a collection of all information related to the operation
       of and execution of the responsibilities of the nominating
       committee to the Internet Society President for long-term
       storage.  Previous Chairs have done this so the addition is just
       a formalization of existing practice.

   3.  A timeframe for the appointment of the Chair was added.  The
       timeframe could always be inferred from the text but to avoid
       confusion it is now explicitly stated.

   4.  Some explicit guidance was added regarding the timeframe for
       volunteering to serve on the nominating committee.

   5.  Some explicit guidance was added to the process of selecting the
       nominating committee members.  Among other things it must be
       possible to iterate the selection method more than just 10 times
       to ensure that unavailable or ineligible volunteers can be

   6.  It is now explicitly stated that no person may serve on both the
       IESG and the IAB concurrently.

Please join us on the mailing list indicated to discuss these issues.



James M. Galvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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