On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Pyda Srisuresh wrote:

> > Let me be more precise: draft-katz-yeung says how TE in a single OSPF
> > area can be accomplished.  It doesn't aim to address the multi-area
> > case; *nor does it say that it cannot do so*; *nor should it do so*.
> > There is work going on to address multi-area TE *that builds on this
> > draft*.  In spite of your "recommendations", this multi-area work
> > building on draft-katz-yeung has a lot of traction.  I therefore have
> > no intentions of putting in incorrect or incomplete limitations.
> >
> > ...
> Kireeti - You apparantly have an attitude and it shows. Outside
> of your attitude, you have not said anything in your defence.

You clearly have an agenda.  Those who have a background in this
matter know this.  Those who don't don't know how lucky they are.

Let me repeat, using short words with few syllables:

1) draft-katz-yeung says how to do TE in a single OSPF area.
2) draft-katz-yeung does not address the multi-area case.
3) Given (2), it does not make sense to put in lim it ations that
   say it won't work in the multi-area case when at worst we don't
   know, and at best it may in fact work like a charm.

> All my comments including those on limitations remain unanswered.

You confuse "answered, but not to your satisfaction" with "unanswered".


> > "This document purposely does not say how the mechanisms described
> > here can be used for traffic engineering across multiple OSPF areas;
> > that task is left to future documents."
> This is *not* what I stated in my comments and is *not*
> a characterization of my commnents.

I never said that that's what you stated.  I just said that that was
what I would insert.

It's been fun,

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