In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Keith Moore writes:
>> >Then there's the problem that when a 800-pound gorilla ships code,
>> >that code largely defines expectations for what will and will not
>> >work in practice- often moreso than the standards themselves.
>> >  
>> >
>> Strange as I feel defending Microsoft, I actually think it's
>> commendable that they implemented IPv6 at all; it's not as if there's
>> a lot of market demand for it yet. 
>I'm certainly glad that they've done so; however most of their
>competitors are shipping v6 also, and some have been doing so for
>considerably longer than MS.  About the only major vendor that isn't
>shipping v6 seems to be Palm (shame on them!). 
Keith, I can't get upset about Microsoft declining to ship 
poorly-tested code.  Given how many security holes are due to buggy, 
poorly-tested programs, I applaud anyone who takes that seriously.

                --Steve Bellovin, (me)
       (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)

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