--On Wednesday, 21 April, 2004 15:46 +0100 Tim Chown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Is the IETF or ISOC going to take any stance against this
slippery slope?


Comment period closes April 30th.


Addressing the IETF part of your question only, let me turn the question around. On what basis would you see the IETF objecting? Certainly the general notion of what ICANN now calls a "sponsored" (restricted-use) non-country TLD is nothing new: in theory (and in practice for a significant number of years), NET, EDU, and others were domains in which one had to meet specific requirements to register. So, if there is a slippery slope there, we were down it before RFC 1591 was written.

Clearly, there is a case to be made that at least some of these proposals are problematic in one way or another and that some of the issues are technical or operational. But those issues are presumably different for different proposals. So what would you have the IETF say, and how would you propose organizing a process to approve such a statement, ideally between now and April 30?

As a specific example, RFC 3675 addresses some of the issues with at least one of these proposals. But it largely addresses policy issues, rather than technical ones, and is an individual-submission informational RFC. Would you propose that the IETF endorse it and recommend to ICANN that they pay attention to it and, if so, on what basis?

Note that these are just questions to think about -- I've got opinions on some of these issues, but hope that you cannot deduce them from this particular note.


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