>  Date: 2004-12-18 20:33
>  From: "Addison Phillips [wM]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hmm...
> That's "as an editorial issue and not a technical issue".
> > The -CS subtag issue doesn't strike me as a technical issue with 
> > the draft. The draft stabilizes the meaning of subtags. There is 
> > a process in the draft for setting the initial (and thus stable) 
> > meaning of the -CS subtag. While it probably matters which value 
> > (Czechoslovakia or Serbia and Montenegro) that is selected, it is 
> > only of editorial interest to the draft itself... unless what 
> > Bruce is trying to prove is that stabilizing the meaning of the 
> > subtags is a Bad Idea, which I don't think is his point.
> > 
> > I'm willing to entertain a debate about which meaning ought to be 
> > selected. But really it ought to be recognized as not an 
> > editorial issue with the draft and not a technical objection.

I believe that it's more than an editorial issue, and that
there are both technical and non-technical matters involved.
While I wouldn't say "that stabilizing the meaning of the
subtags is a Bad Idea", I do believe that the particular
approach taken raises some disturbing issues, and I suspect
that there are process-related considerations that could have
avoided them.  Jefsey Morfin and Vernon Schryver have touched
on procedural issues; I plan to discuss my specific concerns
and suggestions, but it make take a few days due to the
impending holidays and other work for me to collect and
organize my thoughts on those matters.

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