(Keith Moore)  wrote on 27.04.05 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I am not saying that ADs will never misuse their power.  That's what
> the appeals process is for.  I'm saying that under the current situation
> the vast majority of AD "edicts" (as opposed to directed feedback)
> are the result of WGs reaching the point of exhaustion without
> producing good designs.   Fix that problem and it becomes reasonable to
> expect fewer and less onerous AD "edicts" and to push back on those
> edicts more often.

WG exhaustion isn't always a WG problem, either.

ISTR a case of a WG that got replaced its chair by the IESG, and told to  
do its work differently, two or three times - and *every* time, the new  
chair stopped posting to the list after a short time. (The last time, I  
think he came back after a significant timeout.)

That's a recipe for exhaustion if ever I saw one. I might even call it  
active sabotage.

MfG Kai

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