>>>>> "Juergen" == Juergen Schoenwaelder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Juergen> Sam,

    Juergen> this is not about blocking port 22 as far as I understand
    Juergen> things. I think the issue here is that TCP connection
    Juergen> establishment determines ssh client/server roles.  If
    Juergen> there would be a way to initiate the connection but
    Juergen> subsequently taking over the server role, protocols like
    Juergen> netconf and presumably isms would find it much easier to
    Juergen> provide CH functionality.

Right.  But for the ssh-connect application I don't think you would
want that unless you were trying to get around firewall policy.

I suspect that the ssh community would decline to extend ssh in this
direction; I certainly know I would not support it.

I would support setting up port forwarding as a way to get a back
channel; I would also support a facility to run an ssh protocol over
ssh channel.

One advantage of both port forwarding and ssh over ssh is that they
provide a much more consistent model for authentication and
authorization of the request to "turn" than an explicit turn facility.


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