> From: Keith Moore <moore@cs.utk.edu>

    > IMHO, there's something fundamentally wrong with any IETF working group
    > that's not willing to learn about IPv6.

On the other hand, maybe they are just recognizing reality - something much
of the rest of the IETF seems stubbornly determined to ignore.

    > IPv6 is not a specialized topic, it's the layer common to all parts of
    > the emerging Internet.

Case in point....

I ought to adopt a .sig:

  "Number of decades since formal adoption of IPv6: N",

where of course currently N=1.2 (since SIPP was selected as IPng at the July,
1994, IETF). So, exactly how large does N have to get before the
ludicrousness level gets high enough to overwhelm the refusal to admit

If IPv6 were a drug, it would likely have been outlawed, it's (seemingly) so
mind-altering and addictive.


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