>>>>> "Fred" == Fred Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Fred> The key thing, though, is actually not this charter, as
    Fred> important as it is. It is the IETF leadership taking it upon
    Fred> itself to enable the work to progress in a timely fashion
    Fred> rather than having an infinite series of hurdles and
    Fred> road-blocks thrown in the way. Can you help us with that?

It's hard for me to do that because everything I have been able to
learn to date suggests that the work being chartered in ieprep should
not take place in the ietf.  I would be delighted to help make sure
that the work that you are doing in tsvwg proceeds well and that other
protocol extensions motivated by ETS and related requirements are
fairly considered in our process.  I'd be delighted to work to make
sure that the IETF works appropriately with other standards bodies.

But until I'm convinced that there is work that should be done in the
ieprep context, well, I'm not going to try and help you do it there.
What I will do is try to inform discussion by doing things like
suggesting we talk to ITU about how involved they want to be in this
space.  You'll probably believe that is putting obstacles in your way.

I can tell you that I'll listen to that input and that if I'm
convinced then I'll support you.  But no, I don't expect to be

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