While not harmful, I'm not sure this is necessary if the more-or-less standard naming convention for drafts is followed for non-WG drafts:


indicates that the author Conroy believes the sipping WG to be the appropriate place for discussion, just like


indicates the same, without the need to dig through a document. This is also a good idea since the WG tools page seems to use the same algorithm. Obviously, if there is no appropriate working group at all, this doesn't work, but maybe an area indication is sufficient:


If we eventually get new I-D submissions tools, it seems easy enough to enforce such a naming scheme.

As long as mail contains the draft name in the subject line, it's not too much a burden for either author or WG to see those comments or to search for them.


On Jan 15, 2007, at 7:23 PM, lconroy wrote:

Hi Folks,
 as a slight counter to that:
I have had feedback in the past from WGs that it is unwise to include the
WG's ML inside a draft intended (eventually) to be an RFC.
The rationale was that the WG (and its ML) will disappear, whilst an RFC is forever.

However, an unprocessed/not updated I-D disappears after 6 months, and
that is a lot shorter than the half life of a WG, so your mileage may vary.

Maybe ML info should be put inside a note to RFC-ED (i.e. remove on approval)
within each draft?


On 15 Jan 2007, at 23:35, Cullen Jennings wrote:
On Jan 15, 2007, at 1:46 PM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
I have argued for years that an I-D that doesn't say in its "status of this memo" section which mailing list it is to be discussed on is incomplete, but I don't seem to have achieved much success for that.

100% agree. On many of my drafts I put in the abstract what list comments should be sent to. I also strongly support having the information if the draft is intended to be a BCP, PS, Informational, etc.

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