Eliot Lear wrote:
> >> is a crisis to force action. That will occur sometime after
> >> 2010 when they need more than they already have and find that
> >> the lease price per IPv4 address per day has been moving up
> >> from its current averages of $1/day or $5/day depending on
> >> contract length (a price service providers seem to have no
> >> trouble collecting while the addresses are still Free from
> >> IANA).
> >>
> >
> > IP Addresses are not property and cannot be leased or sold.
> >

You have clearly not been following the efforts in APnic or RIPE to enable
the inevitable trading regime. Despite what policy says people will treat
their allocations as property.

> Can you show me real examples of an RIR repossessing address space?  If
> so, what is stopping them from reclaiming some of those /8s?

The legal costs... While ARIN would have one hell of a court battle trying
to reclaim 18/8, the MIT Office of the President would have no trouble
recognizing they were sitting on a pile of endowed chairs, and would shoot
the entire network staff if necessary to put that block on the market. 


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