On Wed, 14 Mar 2007, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
Just to confirm: 2818 has already been "downrefed" so it can be used in
this way without further formality.


There appear to have been two kinds of Last Calls:
1) Last Call for document X which also last calls that document's downrefs, and 2) Separate Last Call about downrefs to document Y (rare, see 31 Jan 2007 example below)

Which one(s) are you referring to?

If 1), there seems to be an assumption that if document X downrefs document Y, and that downref is last-called, there is no need to Last Call any downref to document Y.

There is no text in the Last Call message to suggests the downref should be considered in a 'global' sense (more like 2) above), instead of in the context of the referencing document.

I certainly wouldn't go as far as to say that if it's OK for draft-dusseault-caldav to use RFC2818 in a normative sense, it would automatically make it OK in every other protocol as well.

RFC 3967 says:
   Once a specific down reference to a particular document has been
   accepted by the community (e.g., has been mentioned in several Last
   Calls), an Area Director may waive subsequent notices in the Last
   Call of down references to it.  This should only occur when the same
   document (and version) are being referenced and when the AD believes
   that the document's use is an accepted part of the community's
   understanding of the relevant technical area.  For example, the use
   of MD5 [RFC1321] and HMAC [RFC2104] is well known among

And I'm not sure if those requirements have been fulfilled yet. Am I missing something?

FWIW, there appear to be errors in the DownrefRegistry above. For example, draft-ietf-lemonade-compress has not been Last Called this year, and when -06 version was in Dec 2006, it had no mention of downref. There is a 'global'-like Last Call on 31 Jan 2007 but it seems to be about RFC 1951, not 1531.)

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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