As it looks now, the IPR WG's meeting in Vancouver will not be extremely contentious.

So, while priority MUST be given to finishing the WG's current work (copyrights), it seems reasonable to offer a time slot to proposals to recharter the WG to deal with patent issues.

I think we can offer at least some time for face-to-face discussion of the issues - but in order to have a more focused discussion than a general discussion on whether or not anything needs to be done,

The outcomes I see possible of such a discussion are:

- No changes are necessary. The IPR WG can shut down.

- A change is necessary, and a specific proposal is deemed closest to what the community wants. We can process a recharter request soon after the IETF meeting.

- A change is necessary, but no consensus on what change exists. More discussion is necessary.

- No consensus can be reached on whether or not a change is necessary.

I'd like the people who want time on the agenda to supply a text (preferably published as an I-D), which summarizes, as clearly as possible:

- What they think has changed since the last IPR WG evaluation of patent policy

- What changes in overall direction they think the WG should address

- What the charter for this activity should look like

If more than one such proposal should appear, I'd suggest giving each submitter a 5-10 minute slot for making their argument, and leaving at least half an hour for general discussion.

Please submit I-Ds with the name pattern of draft-<submitter>-ipr-patent-<something> - that would make it easy for us to find them all.

The timeslot for the WG is Tuesday morning from 0900 to 1130; the rechartering discussion would be within the time from 1030 to 1130.


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