Hi Folks,
in the process of re-writing the ENUM Experiences draft, I wanted to check that its statement on the characters that can be found in POSIX Extended Regular Expressions (as called up in RFC 3402) is correct. However, the referenced standard is an IEEE document that those fine chaps want money to purchase. I had thought that the IETF didn't like normative references that were not available to all (without paying for them).

Am I misunderstanding the situation?

There are any number of different documents "out there" that talk about Regular Expressions, and in practice is it going to be hard to find a library that only does POSIX ERE processing, but... should we be referring to a standard document that is only available at a cost? There have certainly been enough complaints about mobile standards (at least until the message got through that 3GPP and ITU standards were available at no cost).

How many such "paid only" standards are referenced in IETF documents, I wonder?

all the best,

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