On Jan 16, 2008, at 11:41 AM, The IESG wrote:
RFC 4693, Section 4 says:

This experiment is expected to run for a period of 12 months, starting from the date of the first ION published using this mechanism. At the end of the period, the IESG should issue a call for comments from the community, asking for people to state their agreement to one of the following statements (or a suitable reformulation thereof):

According to http://www.ietf.org/IESG/content/ions/ the first ION was published 12-Jan-2007. This means the experiment ended last Saturday, and it's time for the IESG to issue the call for comments.

Please tell us what you think about the experiment. Have IONs been valuable? Should we continue to make use of this mechanism?

In my opinion, they are over-rated.

The options in the RFC are:
   1.  This document series has proved useful, and should be made

   2.  This document series is less useful than the equivalent
       information in RFCs and informal Web pages, and should be

   3.  We cannot decide yet; the experiment should continue

I would argue that (1) has not been shown. Several IONs have been produced, but I don't see people referring to them. It looks like it is being treated as a lightweight way to publish something a lot like an RFC, and I'm not sure why the proper response to our present situation shouldn't be to figure out what we once had - a lightweight way to publish an RFC.

Whether we can say that we know for sure that the experiment has been conclusive, I'm not sure I know. If the community feels that a second year is necessary to really conclude that, I would be willing to see that happen. But from my perspective, the lack of current utilization (not in terms of producing them, which is slowly happening, but of referring to them and referring others to them) leads me in the direction of (2).

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