On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 02:24:34PM +0200,
 a message of 66 lines which said:

> My "reading between the lines" interpretation of RFC 4693 Section 5
> is that perhaps creating IONs was considered easier than e.g. fixing
> the procedures and tools for maintaining ordinary ietf.org web
> pages.

That's not my reading at all. This section explains clearly the
problem with Web pages:

      Web pages, which can be changed without notice, provide very
      little ability to track changes, and have no formal standing --
      confusion is often seen about who has the right to update them,
      what the process for updating them is, and so on.  It is hard when
      looking at a Web page to see whether this is a current procedure,
      a procedure introduced and abandoned, or a draft of a future
   o  Unlike Web pages, there is an explicit mechanism for finding "all
      current versions", and a mechanism for tracking the history of a

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