
Let me be prefectly frank: if feedback were completely unverifiable
as a result of rigid "confidentiality" requirements, there would be
nothing to stop someone from making things up.  Note that this is -
absolutely - not the same thing as saying anyone in the IETF would
actually take advantage of the opportunity.  That would be similar
to saying that - because we know a little about network protocols - 
we are all capable of being the worst sort of hackers.

But there can be a lot of reasons why someone might take advantage 
of such an opportunity and - let's face it - at least part of the
reason why people are inclined to verify what they hear is because
there is that possibility.

This may sound a little cynical, and maybe it is - but there are a
few of us that feel that giving feedback based on poorly supported
impressions is not a lot different from "making it up."

Eric Gray
Principal Engineer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lakshminath Dondeti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 6:17 PM
> To: Eric Gray
> Cc: Dave Crocker; IETF Discussion
> Subject: Re: Nomcom process realities of "confidentiality"
> Importance: High
> On 3/19/2008 11:12 AM, Eric Gray wrote:
> > Dave,
> > 
> >     I think I disagree with you on several of the details
> > in your discussion without necessarily disagreeing with 
> > where you are going with it.
> > 
> >     First of all, I think that the realistic view of the
> > possibility of something leaking is enough to ensure that
> > people do not make things up when giving feedback.  The fact
> > that what a person says may eventually get back to the one
> > they said it about tends to make people stick to facts.
> Eric,
> May I assume you use the word "leaking" above in the context 
> of (d) and 
> (e) below and other similar contexts?  Next, I wouldn't quite 
> say people 
> "make things up;" each person communicates their perceptions and the 
> nomcoms may then investigate how pervasive is the said feeling in the 
> community, if they don't already know from the feedback already 
> collected, balance all other view points and figure out what 
> is in the 
> best interests of the community.  It is a subjective process 
> and that's 
> why we use humans to do it.
> thanks,
> Lakshminath
> > 
> >     That is useful.
> > 
> >     But the possibility needs to be very small.  However
> > important people may feel it is to verify what they hear,
> > it is not a good idea to turn everything you hear into some
> > sort of juicy gossip to be handed around like used needles.
> > 
> >     That is not only not useful, it leads to potentially
> > seriously disruptive emotional reactions to what may very 
> > well have been meant as consturctive criticism.
> > 
> >     In addition, I think that someone who cannot deal with
> > the possibility that they may hear things that they have to
> > either keep entirely to themselves, or exercise a very high
> > degree of discretion about, should be straight-forward about
> > that at some point before they are exposed to that kind of
> > information.  If that means they have to step down from a
> > liaison role, or some other role in the NomCom process, then
> > that is what they need to do.
> > 
> >     However, I think this is buried in your comments under 
> > what I think you're identifying as the "human factor" - and
> > it is true that the degree of discretion that applies is a
> > very hard fence to walk.  Never-the-less, some very simple
> > guide-lines do exist.  For example, consider the following:
> > 
> >     In a private NomCom discussion Sigfreed tells Signund
> > that she heard that the candidate Borg has a reputation for
> > being excessively stubborn.  Signund happens to know Borg
> > very well and they have been friends for many years.  The
> > possible choices for Signund range across (at least) the 
> > following possibilities -
> > 
> > a) ignore the comment because it is clearly already second
> >    hand information,
> > b) explore the comment further with Sigfreed to see if there
> >    is anything she knows from first hand,
> > c) accept the comment as one data point but otherwise keep 
> >    it to themselves,
> > d) check with a number of other people to see if they have 
> >    gotten a similar impression, but without referring to
> >    any specific source(s),
> > e) check with Borg to see if there is any reason why anyone
> >    might have gotten the impression that Borg is stubborn
> >    (again being careful not to offer names),
> > f) ask a few people where Sigfreed might have gotten such an
> >    impression about Borg,
> > g) tell Borg that Sigfreed is saying that Borg is a stubborn
> >    person.
> > 
> >     Assuming that we all have pretty much the same ideas
> > about what "confidentiality" means, I think it is fairly 
> > obvious that most people would agree that either a), b) or
> > c) would be correct behaviors, and that d) and (possibly)
> > e) might be okay under some circumstances but f) and g) are
> > definitely out of line.  I suspect that d) and e) are in the 
> > area in which leaking of confidential information is most
> > likely to occur.  Sure, it is possible that someone has
> > decided to ignore a more conventional meaning of the word 
> > confidential to suit a personal agenda.  Or it is possible
> > that they are operating with a different understanding of
> > what most people mean by "confidential."  But - for the 
> > most part - indiscretion in this context is a result of 
> > simply sharing more information than intended while trying 
> > to verify something we need to be certain about.
> > 
> >     On the whole, I think most people understand that is
> > something that can happen.  I also think that what people 
> > are really concerned about is that confidentiality is not
> > being observed as a convention, and as promised during the
> > process.
> > 
> >     That must remain a legitimate concern.
> > 
> >     And the reason why that is the case is that it is 
> > necessary in getting honest and unambiguous feedback about
> > people that the people being asked _believe_ that they're
> > comments will be kep confidential.
> > 
> > --
> > Eric Gray
> > Principal Engineer
> > Ericsson  
> > 
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> Behalf Of Dave Crocker
> >> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 1:11 PM
> >> To: IETF Discussion
> >> Subject: Nomcom process realities of "confidentiality"
> >>
> >> G'day,
> >>
> >> The current discussion about Nomcom activities has been 
> sufficiently 
> >> professional and constructive in tone to prompt me to raise a 
> >> particularly 
> >> delicate point:
> >>
> >>     Just how realistic is our belief in confidentiality for 
> >> the process?
> >>
> >> It will be trivial to turn my query into an unintended attack 
> >> on personal 
> >> integrity.  That's not what I intend and I hope it is not 
> >> what anyone does. 
> >> Indeed, I won't participate in any exchanges that are of that type.
> >>
> >> My view is that any problems are with unrealistic 
> >> expectations, rather than 
> >> personal failings.  (Or rather, that personal failings occur 
> >> in all of us and we 
> >> need to make sure our institutional processes factor them in 
> >> realistically.)
> >>
> >> Assumptions about confidentiality are at the core of many 
> >> difficulties 
> >> surrounding the Nomcom process.  They restrict what 
> >> information Nomcom gets and 
> >> they restrict what information it gives. They also seem to 
> >> introduce distortions 
> >> in decision-making, as well as tensions.
> >>
> >> That makes it worth ensuring that our expectations for 
> >> confidentiality along the 
> >> process match the reality.
> >>
> >> For example,
> >>
> >>     I was on a Nomcom that considered whether to renew 
> >> someone and chose not to. 
> >>   Input to Nomcom was extensive as was Nomcom's 
> >> consideration.  The two Nomcom's 
> >> I've been on included a wide range of equally-experienced and 
> >> assertive IETF 
> >> folk.  The affected person later communicated to me that they 
> >> had been told that 
> >> I directed the outcome.
> >>
> >>     Someone within the committee talked to them about details 
> >> of internal Nomcom 
> >> discussions.  That they got the information seriously wrong 
> >> merely underscores 
> >> the danger of inaccurate assumptions about confidentiality.  
> >> (Factor in whatever 
> >> assessment might be made of my range of behaviors and one 
> >> still has to be left 
> >> with the view that the idea of my controlling any outcome of 
> >> either Nomcom is 
> >> simply silly.)
> >>
> >>     Were things more open, the person might have had access 
> >> to more than one 
> >> channel of description and might have been able to get a more 
> >> accurate sense of 
> >> what took place.  Were things less open, then some sources of 
> >> distortion might 
> >> have been eliminated.
> >>
> >>     To be clear, as a non-Nomcom community participant, I 
> >> have at various other 
> >> times interacted with Nomcom members who drew very, very 
> >> strict lines around 
> >> information they would (not) share with me.  Indeed my sense 
> >> over the years is 
> >> that everyone takes the requirement extremely seriously.  But 
> >> taking the 
> >> requirement seriously is different from never violating it.
> >>
> >>     This was merely an example that I have first-hand 
> knowledge about.
> >>
> >> To have a realistic model of confidentiality, we need a 
> >> realistic model of IETF 
> >> social processes.
> >>
> >> For example, many of the people in the IETF management pool 
> >> are at least very 
> >> close friends.  Liaisons are present during all Nomcom 
> >> discussions.  The strain 
> >> on a liaison who is party to highly critical discussions 
> >> about a very close 
> >> friend strikes me as excessive: It is not reasonable to 
> >> expect them to maintain 
> >> confidentiality. And I repeat that I am offering this merely 
> >> as an example. And 
> >> note that the challenge is not only present for liaisons.
> >>
> >> Add to this the fact that a) we have no detailed rules for 
> >> confidentiality but 
> >> rather treat the word as having implicit-but-total effect on 
> >> behavior, b) we 
> >> have no enforcement powers over violations, and c) Nomcom 
> >> members, IAB members, 
> >> IESG members and ISOC members typically do not have any 
> background in 
> >> maintaining confidentialities of these types.
> >>
> >> (On item c), if you think that there is no need for training 
> >> or experience, 
> >> please think again.  Organization personnel matters are 
> >> peculiar processes.)
> >>
> >> The concept of Nomcom was a creative solution to the 
> >> challenge of making formal 
> >> community decisions in the absence of formal community 
> >> membership.  That said, 
> >> the conduct of Nomcom processes tends towards pretty classic 
> >> personnel 
> >> assessment, but with people typically lacking classic 
> >> personnel training or 
> >> experience.  Coupled with a lack of institutional 
> >> specification for the 
> >> construct or enforcement against "violations" and we are 
> >> certain to get 
> >> distorted processes.
> >>
> >> I've been taught that any good security structure begins by 
> >> limiting what needs 
> >> to be secure and who security is expected from.
> >>
> >> We ought to consider extremely carefully exactly what 
> >> confidentialities are 
> >> essential and exactly who needs to maintain them.
> >>
> >> By way of example, I'll raise a question about Harald's 
> >> proposal to make 
> >> nominations for Nomcom consideration public but not who 
> >> agrees to be considered. 
> >>    In the current IETF and Nomcom reality, I've offered a +1 
> >> for the proposal. 
> >> This note does not change my support of it.  Rather, it's 
> >> helped me to reflect 
> >> on the larger issues.
> >>
> >> In terms of overall process effectiveness and 
> >> confidentiality, is the proposal 
> >> realistic?  The idea behind the proposal's distinction is 
> >> that keeping the exact 
> >> set of interested nominees confidential will protect a 
> >> nominee from, for 
> >> example, concerns that a competing candidate who is already 
> >> holding the position 
> >> will find out.
> >>
> >> Does anyone seriously believe that someone sitting within 
> >> IETF management will 
> >> not know who is running against them?  Please consider just 
> >> how tightly-knit the 
> >> IETF management community is.  (And again, that's not a 
> >> complaint; it's a 
> >> reality, and I don't see that it can, or maybe even 
> should, change.)
> >>
> >> In the face of sensitivities, it is convenient to seek to 
> >> avoid them.  Invoking 
> >> "confidentiality" can be the convenient mechanism for this 
> >> convenient avoidance.
> >>
> >> But convenience is not the same as utility.
> >>
> >> Let me suggest that we at least discuss a model that begins 
> >> by allowing 
> >> everything to be open, and then imposes restrictions only 
> >> when there is 
> >> agreement on a compelling need for it, and that the 
> >> restriction be defined on 
> >> the smallest possible group of people.
> >>
> >> d/
> >> -- 
> >>
> >>    Dave Crocker
> >>    Brandenburg InternetWorking
> >>
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> >> IETF mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> > IETF mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
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