On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 10:24:35AM +0200,
 Frank Ellermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 22 lines which said:

> That permits LTR or RTL, bot not an empty dir="", or is it another
> SGML oddity I've never before heard of ?

No, no, you're right, the important point I wanted you to read was

<foo dir="ltr">
<bar> <!-- Has dir="ltr", from inheritance -->
Bla bla
Bla again

> Yes, my question was why the draft needs dir="" at all,

Because, as I said, otherwise, you could not express the fact that the
direction of the text in the <bar> element above is "Not
Known". Without dir="", you could not "cancel" the directionality of
<foo> in its nested elements.

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