The dir="" is not really intended to specify that the direction is not 
known but that the direction has not been specified explicitly.  For 
instance, in an aggregate feed containing entries from multiple sources, 
the original entries may or may not have contained the bidi attribute. 
Because of the inheritance of direction from the feed, entries that do 
not have a dir="..." attribute will inherit the direction of the parent, 
which will change the context of the original entry and could 
potentially lead to the context being improperly or at least 
unexpectedly displayed relative to the original.

- James

Frank Ellermann wrote:
> Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
>> as I said, otherwise, you could not express the fact that the
>> direction of the text in the <bar> element above is "Not Known".
>> Without dir="", you could not "cancel" the directionality of
>> <foo> in its nested elements.
> Well, yes, but so far the Web with all its (X)HTML pages never 
> needed an "unknown direction" feature, why is this necessary
> in ATOM ?  And how would you implement an "unknown direction",
> toss a coin ?
>  Frank
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