John C Klensin wrote:

> http://[]/ anyone?

My bastard browser from hell eats http://[]/

It's certainly no STD 66 URL.  But it won't surprise me if
the URL-bis, charset-bis, net_2.0-bis, MIME-bis, XHTML-bis,
(etc. ad nauseam) effort styling itself as "HTML5" decrees
that this is as it should be based on current practice in
the browser industry.

That would be also the moment where I'd welcome a new TLD 
"6]" just to prove a "subtle" technical point.

> the IETF has a lot of trouble making clear decisions when
> those sorts of politics start to intrude.

So far nobody disagreed with RFC 1123 erratum 1335.  FWIW
that also eliminates "6]" from the list of potential TLDs.

Repost, apparently my first attempt didn't make it.

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