Hi Mark,
At 21:48 02-07-2008, Mark Andrews wrote:
        The key word word is "reliably".  http://museum/ can never
        be guarenteed to work.

I saw the key word and I agree with you. Someone out there thought that it was a good idea or else we wouldn't be discussing about this. Your technical arguments are sound but they are unfortunately being overridden by other considerations.

There are currently 22 TLDs with MX records, 16 TLDs with address records and 11 TLDs with wildcards.

  "The notion that different domains would be run in different ways --albeit
   within the broad contexts of "public service on behalf of the
   Internet community" and "trustee... for the global Internet
   community"-- was considered a design feature and a safeguard against
   a variety of potential abuses.  Obviously the world has changed in
   many ways" (since then) ...

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