SM <> writes:

>>which gets incoproated into the kernel must have a Signed-off-by, like
> The IETF does not use version control to keep track of changes to a
> document.

Version control is not needed to track changes.

> Document changes cannot be compared to code contributions as the
> process is different.

I disagree.  Plenty of technical protocol documents, similar to RFCs,
are maintained by free software projects.

> Historically, the process of getting from idea to RFC has been
> informal.  "Official" communication is usually done through email.
> Those messages aren't even signed with S/MIME or PGP.

Neither are contributions to free software projects in general, but it
does not matter.

I believe the IETF community has much to learn from the free software
community when it comes to legal arrangements.  The end product (a
community influenced document) is similar and the rules around legally
protecting each contributor are also similar.  The IETF could require
that contributors license their contributions under, if you want a short
license, the BSD license, or, if you want a longer license text that
allows for non-modifiable portions (which some people appear to think is
necessary), the GFDL.  I proposed this model to think of code and text
the same to the IPR WG, but could not gather sufficient people to agree
with the idea.

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