
--On Tuesday, January 20, 2009 15:20 +0100 "Tom.Petch"
<sisyp...@dial.pipex.com> wrote:

> Underlying this, I believe that if only the IPR WG had not had
> to spend so much time discussing and re-discussing and
> re-re-discussing ... this issue, then may be, just may be, we
> would have had more time to focus on the transition
> arrangements that we identified the need for in RFC5377 s.3.
> In which case, this thread and all the other related ones
> would never have occurred.
> So, in all seriousness, I do see this re-raising of this
> issue, by you and others, as impeding our ability to solve the
> problem that most needs solving, that of
> moving forward to a world where our Contributions do contain
> greater rights to allow derivative works.  Which, ironically,
> is a prerequisite for what you want.

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