Brian E Carpenter wrote:

On 2009-03-02 07:17, Dave CROCKER wrote:
What is particularly interesting to me, about this line of comment, is
not whether the relevant IETF-based technologies are superior or whether

Can you point me to the IETF WG(s) that are considering identity
management as a whole? I know there was the DIX BOF at IETF 65,
but since then??


A fair question, but Identity "management" seems to have varied meanings, depending on who is discussing it. There is, for example, a good argument that any authentication activity is part of, or involves, ID mgmt. So OpenPGP, S/MIME, DKIM, TLS and the emerging OAuth acitivities come to mind.

So does DNS...

But when it's an area that *is* relevant to the Internet,
but that the IETF appears to have passed on, it's less clear
what the discussion would achieve.

passed on?  huh?  when did we do that?

In any event, if it something ISOC considers worth making a strategic relationship about, and it is likely to entail Internet technical standards, then it would be strange to have the IETF skip dealing with it.

An easy example is exactly the sort of involvement being implied by the
current thread:  When ISOC is choosing to take a strategic action,
should it seek public discussion within the IETF?
So I'd say it's clear what should happen: ISOC should ask the IAB, and
the IAB, in the spirit of openness, should raise discussion within the

sounds like a plan.

Let me stress again that I wasn't offering criticism. I think that the IETF has historically been the source of initiatives that it participates in, and that this appears to be something different. That makes it worth exploring a bit.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
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