On Mar 1, 2009, at 9:04 PM, Eric Rescorla wrote:

At Sun, 1 Mar 2009 19:59:00 +0200,
Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
As you might have noticed, the WebSSO Identity Management space is not running out of organizations and groups. Someone could, for example, come up with the question why ISOC did not join the MIT Kerberos Consortium (see http://www.kerberos.org/), as Kerberos is a technology developed within the IETF, or to support technologies like OpenID, OAuth, etc. that are closer to
the Internet deployment.

I am sure your team had a lot of conversations with the IAB on what
direction would be better for the Internet (with respect to the creation of an identity layer) but I fear that many in the IETF community are at best not informed about what you are doing and why you believe that this is
heading into the right direction.

Did ISOC in fact have these discussions with the IAB? I'd be very interested
to hear the IAB weigh in here.


Hi Ekr and Hannes,

ISOC has been working within the IETF community as a whole on a variety of technical issues, and did not approach the IAB as a body when taking the decision to join Liberty Alliance/NewOrg.

ISOC's broad goals here seem largely to fall outside the IETF arena. We are working with these other communities to build a more transparent and open identity organization which serves the broader identity community, and reaches out to adopters and end-users. We are, of course, very open to conversation about advancing these goals with any interested IETFer. And, to be clear we are very supportive of the OAuth efforts and hope to see OAuth chartered in the IETF.

I echo Dave's original comments that this discussion is interesting and useful, and Leslie has provided some additional context in another mail.


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