Giyeong Son wrote:
> I think that there are many working groups, standard bodies and
> technologies who focuses on multiple addresses per host. So, I'd  also
> like MIF to concentrate on simultaneous connections to multiple networks
> (or simultaneous use of multiple connections with multiple networks). I
> believe that most of cases for simultaneous connections to multiple
> networks require multiple addresses. However, it does not need to be the
> main focus, but MIF NEEDS it. So, I would like to say that multiple
> addresses per host needs to be addressed for simultaneous use of
> multiple connections. Therefore, I think working on MIF problem should
> be more than just focusing on multiple addresses.

I think it's interesting that you appear to consider "multiple addresses
per host" a narrower problem than "multiple network connections per
host", whereas I consider the latter to be a subset of the former.

I suppose that makes a good illustration of why I really want the WG to
explore this issue from multiple points-of-view.

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