On 2009-4-21, at 9:00, Sam Hartman wrote:
Keith, I've considered your points and continue to disagree.  I'm
mostly replying in the interest of judging consensus.

I believe that the primary use cases identified in the MIF BOF are use
cases that are not going to go away.  I think that saying "avoid
multiple addresses" is likely to be the same kind of head-in-sand
thinking that caused us to get where we are today with a number of
areas where there is a disconnect between what the market wants and
what we're willing to include in our engineering model.

Agree with Sam. If you want a host to have a more reliable connectivity to the network than any one of its interfaces can give it, or if you want to aggregate capacity of multiple network connections, you have no choice but to assign it multiple interfaces in today's Internet. Nokia alone has probably shipped over a billion devices by now that have at least WLAN + 3G, and there are obviously many other vendors. Any IETF activity that enables better use of those interfaces simultaneously is consequently very interesting.


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