On 2010-01-04, at 21:40, John C Klensin wrote:

> Ok, Joe, a few questions since, as indicated in another note,
> you are generating these documents in your ICANN capacity:
> (1) If ICANN can re-delegate the servers for these domains
> without IAB or IETF action, why is IETF action needed to create
> the new names?  They are, after all, just names.

We talked to people in the IAB about the idea of naming these servers using a 
consistent scheme under ARPA before we published -00. They were happy with the 
idea of using names under ARPA and indicated, following a review of 3172, that 
a standards action was required for the corresponding delegation.

> (2) If IETF action is needed at all, why is this coming from you
> as an individual submission, rather than as a formal request
> from IANA to the IAB, presumably via normal liaison channels?
> Ordinarily, and consistent with RFC 3172, this request would
> come to the IAB and not via an individual submission to the IESG
> since no "protocol entity" is involved?

We discussed our plans with people in the IAB, and they advised us that an 
individual submission internet-draft was an appropriate path to take. We 
followed their advice.

> (3) And why is this being processed as a Proposed Standard
> rather than as a BCP (like other documents describing
> allocations in .ARPA such as RFC 3152 (BCP49) and 3405 (BCP65))
> or some sort of informational one?

Members of the IAB advised us, with reference to RFC 3172, that a standards 
action document was required because a delegation from ARPA was being requested.

> (4) I also note that this document appears to update Section 4
> of RFC 3172 but does not note that.

Section 4 of RFC 3172 describes the state of the ARPA zone at the time that 
3172 was written. It is my understanding that updating that section with a 
document today would require access to a time machine, and my colleagues on the 
third floor indicate that time travel is not considered to be covered by the 
IANA Functions Contract.

>  In addition, while that
> Section 4 indicates, as of September 2001...
>       "...The IAB is working with ICANN, IANA, and the
>       regional registries to move "arpa" and "in-addr.arpa"
>       records from the root servers in accord with the RFC
>       2870 recommendation for exclusive use of those servers."
> ...the IAB has not been consulted on this issue (at least since
> last March).

I am not aware of what work was being done in 2001 with respect to redelegation 
of IN-ADDR.ARPA and ARPA. I can only assume that the intentions documented in 
3172 were not followed through for some reason.

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