--On Tuesday, January 05, 2010 18:22 -0500 Olafur Gudmundsson
<o...@ogud.com> wrote:

>> (1) If ICANN can re-delegate the servers for these domains
>> without IAB or IETF action, why is IETF action needed to
>> create the new names?  They are, after all, just names.
> Transparency ?

Transparency requires clear announcements and explanations, not
consultation and approval.  Please note the conditional on the
sentence as well: it wasn't "why should the IETF (or IAB) ever
be asked for an opinion", it was "if you don't feel obligated to
ask in some set of cases, where is the boundary and why?".   My
own view is that, consistent with 3172 (which may be now be old
enough in terms of ICANN and IANA evolution to be ripe for
review and possible updating) there are clearly some things
(e.g., subdomains that are created in support of particular
protocols) that require IETF review and action, other things
(e.g., externally-visible structural decisions) that require IAB
initiation and/or signoff, and probably still others which we
should trust IANA to just do something, get it right, and tell
us about in some reasonable way.  

I am extremely concerned about getting into a situation in which
the IETF spends time debating issues that are basically
minutiae, designing (or fine-tuning) procedures or naming
schemes in a committee of a few thousand.  A different way of
looking at the same concern is that most of us are able to
perform only a relatively small number of careful reviews of
standards-track documents a year and I'd like to see  that time
spent in areas and on documents that make the Internet work
better which, e.g., a choice of names generally does not.   I
don't want less review or less transparency; I want to see if we
can be more efficient about the time of both IANA staff
(including the calendar time it takes to get things done) and
that of the IETF community. 

In case it isn't clear, none of those concerns are specific to
this document.  They are about how to handle situations like
this ... and about how "like this" is properly identified.


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