No, your claim was a canard because it is a test that your preferred
document format cannot meet.

I do not need to have the evidence of 500 years of experience of using
HTML to be able to demonstrate that HTML will be readable in 1000
years time. The difficulty of deciphering HTML is remarkably lower
than the difficulty of deciphering Linear B (3500 years old), Egyptian
hieroglyphs (last used 1600 years ago) or Mayan hieroglyphs (last used
400 years ago).

Many people have successfully decoded HTML without any access to the
standard whatsoever. The idea that we shoudld worry about lack of
ability to decipher it is totally absurd. The value of information
encoded in HTML is simply too great for that ever to happen as long as
civilization lasts.

I really don't think it is worth while arguing that the RFC series is
of such utmost importance that we need worry about ability to maintain
it any longer.

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Masataka Ohta
<> wrote:
> Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> Since nobody was using teleprinters 500 years ago the introduction of
>> them here as a point of difference is ridiculous.
> I can't see your point.
> Are you begging our pardon and withdraw your stupid statement of
> "being able to interpret them in 1000 years time"?
> Or?
>                                                Masataka Ohta

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