>>>> Has "the IETF" been authorizing people to conduct human subjects
>>>> research without the informed consent of the subjects?
>> yes, we drag them into black helicopter and mess with their genitals.
>> you can be the first in maastricht.
> Thanks for demonstrating the type of knowledge and professionalism
> that makes clear why the IETF needs to pay more careful attention to
> this.

oh wow!  you were talking about networking, not human subject research.
fooled me.  well, i guess one hyperbole deserves another.  sorry you did
not like being hoist on your own petard.

as to the network, how many people and times need to tell you that the
ops team is unaware of anyone doing anything untoward with people's
packets or other data?  aside from the authentication which has been
pretty well discussed, no one is doing any experiments, either with your
packets or with any of your network data, of which the net ops are

i guess it serves some layer nine purpose to play demogogue on this.
may your first born suffer the micro-management of being an unpaid
volunteer net op :)

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